Yi Su (苏毅)
1 Apple Park Way
Cupertino, CA 95014
I am a seasoned research engineer who possesses a unique combination of skill sets: machine learning research and software engineering.
With a solid education of PhD in speech and language processing and 10+ years of experience on research and development in an industrial setting, I have shipped numerous machine learning features for Apple Siri, Ant Group Intelligent Assistant (“支付宝智能助理”), Ant Group Intelligent Financial Assistant (“支小宝”), Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Nuance PowerScribe 360 and Nuance Nina Virtual Assistant.
I have also built many internal software and services that are still in use today, including a large-scale n-gram language model trainer, a low-code chatbot development platform and an offline model evaluation framework.
In general, I am interested in statistical modeling of human intelligence as exemplified in the use of language and speech.